In the Spotlight

Helping Up Mission PRS

Helping Up Mission
Launched PRS in 2021Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Time: Every Monday at 7 AM (ET) for Men / Every Monday at 7:30 AM (ET) for Women / Every Tuesday at 10 AM (ET) for Staff
Reading Plan: 20 Min / 20 Min / 30 Min

Baltimore, Maryland

In the heart of Baltimore, a community of those experiencing homelessness or addiction experience God’s word at Helping Up Mission. Every Monday morning chapel, 200 men and 90 women gather separately to experience the transforming work of God’s word as they listen to 20-minutes from the PRS app. Clients say that PRS makes chapel exciting. One client said PRS “ renews you every morning” and that the Audio Drama Bible “grabs you completely”.

After Dan Stolzfus (CEO), Pam Wilkerson (Senior Director), and PeteGriffin (Director of Outreach and Intake) attended a NYC PRS retreat, they were encouraged to use PRS as a rhythm to help staff pause and meditate on God’s word. Now, on Tuesdays, staff gather across campuses in person and on Teams for a 30-minute session of PRS over coffee and snacks.

Watch this video to hear more about the impact PRS has on the Helping Up community:

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